Centaurian was written in C using Metrowerks CodeWarrior (v. 8 Academic) and Ingemar Ragnemalm's Sprite Animation Toolkit (v. 2.5). I would recommend both highly to anyone thinking of programming games for the Macintosh. I also borrowed some code from the publicly released source code to Glypha III by John Calhoun and from the demos from Tricks of the Mac Game Programming Gurus (Hayden Books). I also learned a great deal from comp.sys.mac.programmer.games and other Usenet groups and from the Macintosh Game Programming Workshop (http://anytime.cs.umass.edu/~jgrass/MGPW/index.html) maintained by Joshua Grass. The program was written during evenings, weekends, and early mornings over a period of about six months. It is the first Mac program I have written (not counting some simple QuickBasic stuff several years ago).
Centaurian is dedicated to my wife, Christina, who puts up with me much more graciously than I deserve. She was also drafted into the position of principal playtester.
I would also like to thank:
• Ingemar Ragnemalm, for producing SAT and for making it free.
• Midway/Namco's unknown programmers, who created Bosconian, the inspiration for this game, way back in 1981 (I was only twelve, but I loved it).
• Metrowerks, for allowing Academic CodeWarrior users to release shareware without subscribing to commercial CodeWarrior.